Why have I been contacted?
We are inviting every supplier to join The Equality Register.
Local Authorities and Public Bodies publish details of payments that they make online. That information lists the Supplier Name and the amount the Council has paid. Some Public bodies also include additional information.
This information is normally published monthly under the transparency reporting guidelines that councils follow.
The Equality Register is managed through the Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) to provide members with access to up to date information and details of the organisation's current equality status.
Three of the aims of the AESP are:
- To encourage better equality and diversity practices in the UK, recognising that diversity is good for business.
- To highlight those organisations whose practices have been proven to be good practice or better.
- We believe that greater visibility of equality and diversity makes a positive contribution to better practices.
As a current supplier to a Public Body you should be aware of your obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and the specific equality contract conditions of each Council or Public Body. We want to raise your awareness and help you find that information.
Every Council requires you "to comply at all times with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and all other relevant related Statutory and Regulatory requirements". It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with all equal opportunities legislation in force from time to time and that you ensure that your equality policies comply with the policies of the Council.
We are pleased to provide Equality Register member organisations the opportunity to exclusively use our unique online review process which allows Equality Register members to confirm that they meet the equality elements of PAS91 and Local Authority Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements. Once you have joined the Register simply login with your username and your password and click on Declaration of Compliance.
Joining The Equality Register can help you to ensure that your organisation complies with its Statutory and Contractual equality obligations. Click Link here to join The Equality Register.
There is a charge for joining and being a member of the Equality Register. In 2024 members will pay an annual fee of £78 (£65 + Vat).
We have developed a free APP which will make it easy to check on every supplier's current equality status in real-time.
We will be reporting the equality status, registration progress and uptake to all Councils in due course. The Equality Register is in the Public domain and can be viewed online.