About The Equality Register
The National Equality Register is managed through the Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) to provide members with access to up to date equality information. Details of the organisation's current equality status is recorded on The Register, which is in the Public domain and can be accessed online.
There will be a charge to become a member of the National Equality Register. In 2024 members will pay a fee of £78 (£65 + Vat).
Members are granted unlimited access to the C2E resources in the users' area; this will make available valuable Reviews and Self-Assessments, Guidance and Planning tools to help members better manage their Equality Policies and Practices. Equality Register member organisations can now use our unique online review process which enables members to confirm that they meet the equality elements of PAS91 and Local Authority Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirements. There is no additional charge to Equality Register members for using the Declaration of Compliance process. We recommend that members review their declarations annually to ensure that all information remains current.
In addition all members will have access to the Members Network.
Once your account has been confirmed we will verify your details and provide access, we will send you an email telling you when you can login.
The National Equality Register holds information related to an organisation's Equality Status.
The register is particularly useful for:
Public Sector Organisations who have a duty to ensure that their suppliers and sub-contractors have appropriate equality policies and practises in place - Procurement, Commissioning, Reporting and Monitoring Departments.
Private Sector Organisations who require or are responsible for their suppliers and sub-contractors having appropriate equality policies and practise in place - Main Contractors, Primary Suppliers, Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers and Suppliers and Sub-contractors within a Supply Chain.
Private Sector Organisations who want to maintain their competitive advantage.
Members of the Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) can provide support to organisations. They are also able to verify and update an organisation's equality status on The Equality Register and are able to issue Accreditation and Certificates which confirm and that an organisation's policies and practices meet the AESP National Equality Framework (NEF) standard requirements.
A summary of your organisation's details and its equality status will be made available online. By using the register and providing information you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of use.
The National Equality Register is managed on behalf of the Association of Equality Scheme Providers (AESP) - Company number 08201921